
Coast to coast

Coast to coast — Interviews and Conversations 1985-1995

The Book


22 x 15 cm
127 pages
ISBN10: 0952933705
Open World in association with Mythic Horse Press

Coast to Coast presents a live mind and an original voice: Kenneth White.
Since publication a few years back of some of his poem-books and waybooks, which have travelled the world, his name is no longer so enigmatic in Britain as it was, but many still know of him only by hearsay.
These interviews and conversations provide the first real opportunity in English to see the whole White picture: his thought-path, his teaching, his poetics, his way of being in the world.
Their range is wide: taking us on his journey from the Gorbals via Fairlie to Brittany, calling in on Basho, Thoreau and Nietzsche, the medieval Scotus vagans and Scottish Common Sense philosophy, on the way.
New concepts such as erotic logic, white world, supernihilism, intellectual nomad and geopoetics are sharply illuminated in White’s bright, image-filled talk.
In the process, he reveals much about his life: why he left Scotland for France, his work at the Sorbonne and how he came to write books like The Blue Road and Pilgrim of the Void.
Kenneth White is much more than a prolific writer. He is a pathfinder, an explorer in whom living and thinking come together.
Coast to Coast begins to answer many of the questions about his life and work, and offers the first comprehensive insight into the new field opened up by that work.

Publisher’s presentation.

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