On the Atlantic Edge
A Geopoetics Project

The Book
19,8 x 12,8 cm
118 pages
ISBN10: 9781905207084
Sandstone Press Ltd, Dingwall.
“On the Atlantic Edge” is a self-contained series of lectures delivered to the Edinburgh International Book Festival and, as first Hi-Arts International Fellow, in the Highlands of Scotland.
Publisher’s presentation
Press Review
The book’s title is a reference to the idea of the “Atlantic Arc”, a recognition by twenty-three European nations that they “shared a common space”, a “space for projects”. This notion is fundamental to White’s ideas. For White, geography is more than maps (and maps are often more than drawings); it includes the geology of Hutton; the way the drift of tectonic plates ultimately reminds us of our connections with other cultures. White prefers to speak about “territories” as these imply “a relationship to the ‘great outside’, a new type of politics, and a renewed conception of culture”.
Stuart B. Campbell (Northwords Now)